(Hummm......so if you attend an Appleseed in October are you a Pumpkinseed?)
The weather was a little challenging with some rain, wind, cooler temperatures, and then ending with a rainbow on Sunday afternoon.
Fisherdawg has done a most wonderful write up on the weekend activities on the Appleseed Forum, (link below).
As you may recall from our June post Project Appleseed teaches the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship and during breaks and over lunch teach about the heritage of our great nation, the events of April 19, 1775, the story of Lexington and Concord, and who fired the
"Shot Heard 'round the World".
Firearm and range safety is rule number one!!! |
Joseph reads his target so that he can make corrections to get his shot groups tight and in the black.
The standing, sitting, and prone shooting positions demonstrated by our outstanding instructors.
Lunch break and some history about the patriots that fought for our freedom.
The first day two cooks became Riflemen!
End of day one and the the groups are tightening up!
Next day Michelle stayed home with two of the hogboys that had some kind of stomach bug.
Travis said that he was going to stay home because on the command "FIRE" he was not sure which end would fire first.
Two more cooks become Riflemen!
New Instructors in Training!
Another great Appleseed weekend thanks to Shoot Boss fisherdawg and Instructors eagleriver, Taka222, AlaskaRed, and Knox!
Link to fisherdawg's report and Taka222's photos.
Link to Project Appleseed.
Link to our June Appleseed.

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