Saturday, November 23, 2013

Alaska Veteran's Museum

In observance of Veteran's Day our home school co-op visited the Alaska Veteran's Museum.

As an Army Veteran stationed in Alaska during the Cold War, cold in more ways than one, I always enjoy a visit to this museum.

The museum is staffed by volunteers and most are Veterans.

Do you know where the last shots of the Civil War were fired? Was it the North or South that fired the last shots?

Here is a hint.

John our most excellent guide for the day.

We were honored to spend time with Doc. He is a combat veteran that served in WW2 and Korea. He spent a lot of time with the kids telling them about his experiences. A most wonderful man.

We had a great day at the Veteran's Museum!

Thank you to all our Veterans! 

Thank you for your service and for keeping us safe. Thank you for taking the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Alaskan Veteran's Museum  (link)

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